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July 17, 2019
Dear Sister Dames,
As we embark on a new fiscal year, our board and committee chairs are making plans to be very productive in the months to come. It has been a great boon that our past board and our new board have worked together so collaboratively to make the transition so seamless. That has helped us get a running start. Thank you.
I have been reflecting on my membership of over 12 years and have come to the realization that most of my time has been spent behind the scenes, either working on operations or tweaking our technology to make our website more accessible and our operations more productive. These are my strengths.
At the same time, I recognize that I haven't been involved in many of our equally important public outreach activities as I felt I did not have the knowledge or the skills to fully participate.
As I thought more about this, I understood that it did not matter "what" I was doing; it only mattered "why" I was doing it.
Our mission statement is that we use our talents and influence for community outreach and, through grants, mentoring, scholarship and educational programs, help support women to succeed in these industries.
That is my WHY.
Each of us has talents to offer in support of LDE-DC's mission, whether they put us in front of an audience or enable us to contribute behind the scenes. So, I encourage you to reflect on your own talents and spheres of influence and which committee(s) you wish to join where you can put your special skills to good use. And, I hope you will respond favorably when I, or another board member or a committee chair, call on you to get involved.
If we stay focused on our WHY (our purpose) and not become distracted, we can accomplish so much. It will drive our programs and it will help us develop our fundraising campaigns.
I look forward to talking with so many of you when we will gather at our Summer Potluck on July 21st (see the details below).

I would like to leave you with this quote below (the source is anonymous)  that I have found inspirational.  Sometimes when you have lofty goals, as I do for this coming year, they may seem too daunting to accomplish. It all starts with taking the first step and then doing just one thing each day that moves you forward.
"I cannot tell you on a day-to-day basis that there's a return on investment. I can tell you if you stick with it, absolutely in a few months, things will start to change. It starts to change slowly. Things start to get a little easier. As the momentum builds it becomes bigger and bigger." 
I invite each of you to join me on the journey.

Should you have a chapter question, concern or idea, please shoot me an email [email protected] or give me a call 410-212-2224.
My best,
Stacey Adams

Les Dames d'Escoffier International, Washington, D.C. Chapter

Gail Forman fell and broke two bones in her wrist during a visit with her son in London last week. She had surgery last Friday. We await more news.
Sheilah Kaufman fell July 4 on wet pavement, broke her elbow and the bone punctured the skin. She had surgery on the July 5, because there was a chance of infection. She cannot drive (or do a lot of other things) for at least two weeks.

EDITORS NOTE: If you can provide a meal, it would be much appreciated. Call Sheilah 301-299-5282 to let her know if you plan to drop off something.  10508 Tyler Terrace, Potomac, MD.

Longtime DC Dame, Jane Mengenhauser (joined in 1986), has a memory-loss illness and is in Sunset nursing home in Alexandria. Jane's husband, Jim, is donating 500 of her cookbooks for our Women in Gastronomy (WIG) Symposium cookbook jumble in March, 2020, and to the LDEI library collection in New Orleans. Click here to read a short profile of Jane in the July 23, 2013 edition of Entre News.
The son and daughter of our late and lovely Jane Olmsted are donating Jane's cookbooks to our WIG cookbook jumble and for the New Orleans collection.

Ellen Kassoff Gray appeared on WAMU's The Kojo Nnamdi Show July 11 as part of a panel discussion about handling trash in DC and, specifically, to talk about how Equinox manages to compost its waste. Click here for more details.
Please join us for an evening of good food, fun and camaraderie!  Please bring your favorite ready-to- serve al fresco appetizer, main entree, salad, dessert, wine or non-alcoholic beverage. 
DATE:  Sunday, July 21
TIME:  5:00 p.m. (3:00-4:45p.m. joint board meeting with incoming and outgoing board members)
PLACE: At the home of Katherine Newell Smith, 5525 Devon Road, Bethesda, MD  20817.  Tel.  (301) 907-7590  Ample street parking.
METRO DIRECTIONS:  Bethesda metro station, take bus #36 towards Bradley Boulevard/Connelly School and  get off at the  Bradley Boulevard and Cornish Road stop (5 minute ride).  Walk one block along Bradley towards Devon Road, turn right, house is 5th on left with periwinkle blue door. 
RSVP:   Click here to let us know that you can come and what you plan to bring.  

Nashville, here we come! Registration for our 2019 LDEI conference Nashville: Rhythm and Roots, October 24-27 is now available for registration online and a printed brochure will be coming to your mailbox soon.  Click here to register.

Book soon to receive the discounted hotel rate at the fantastic Loews Nashville. This vibrant metropolis, known as Music City - and capital of the state that tipped the scales and gave women the right to vote - is now a national culinary destination with so much to share. It's filled with history, beauty, and an amazing chapter of LDEI that is ready to roll out the "BLUE" carpet for all of us in October. 

Plan to arrive on Wednesday, October 23 to take advantage of a special program brought to you by a generous donation from the Brock Circle featuring Carla Hall. She will discuss her personal journey, "Being Authentic While Facing Adversity."  Arriving early for this Wednesday afternoon event will give you the opportunity to take advantage of the locally curated tours that begin bright and early Thursday morning, showing you Nashville from a unique perspective. Don't miss the chance to enjoy authentic Tennessee BBQ and listen to songwriters collaboratively create music at an optional event on Thursday night at the Green Door Gourmet.

The Nashville chapter has worked diligently to make your LDEI conference experience one you will not forget. I am very grateful to them and look forward keynote speaker Maneet Chauhan sharing her message with us.

You will find all relevant details of the tours, speakers and sessions outlined in the brochure. An after-conference Kentucky Bourbon and Culinary Tour, hosted, of course, by our Kentucky Dames, will end your LDEI Conference experience on a high note.

See you there!
-Ann Stratte, LDEI President
There is a new way to submit your Member Milestones to the LDEI Quarterly and the bimonthly email newsletter, E-News. LDEI has created easy-to-follow interactive online forms:

Fill out the form with your information. Any field marked with an asterisk (*) is required. Note that some forms have character limits due to space constraints.
To submit a photo, reply "Yes" to "Would you like to submit a high resolution quality image?" Then click "Next". You will be taken to a second page where you can upload your images.  
Be sure to click the SUBMIT button to upload your responses. You will receive an email confirmation that your submission was received.

Please know that you can also email your information, if you prefer. The email addresses listed under the Submission Guidelines will always be active and will forward to the correct person.

If you have any questions, please reach out to LDEI 2nd VP Danielle Wecksler at [email protected]. We look forward to reading about all of your achievements.

Tour Moorenko's ice cream factory, help make ice cream, learn about the process and the industry and take home a pint! If you haven't yet tried Susan Soorenko's ice cream, you need to join her and learn how she got started in this industry.
DATE:  Saturday, July 20
TIME:  2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
PLACE:  8810 Brookville Road, Silver Spring, MD  20910.  This is at the factory, not at the store
PRICE:  $25 Dames, $30 non-members (includes a $5 tax-exempt donation to LDEI Scholarships)
RSVP:  Click here to purchase your tickets on Eventbrite!

Gail Forman has nabbed hard-to-get tickets to visit the new Glenstone Museum in Potomac, MD.  Limited to 25. Once you reserve your place, Gail will get back to you with ticket and entry information.  The group will begin with a Dutch-treat lunch at Glenstone's informal  café-- soup, salads, sandwiches -- where Brian Patterson, formerly of L'Academie de Cuisine, is the chef. Afterwards, you can visit all areas of the private museum, which encompasses two buildings, several outdoor sculptures and more than 230 acres of landscape. It is an amazing place.
DATE: Saturday, September 7
TIME: 12:00  p.m.
PRICE: $5 to cover reservations and LDE-DC administration fee.  Spaces are limited to 25 people.  If all spots are full, you can put your name on the waitlist.  No refunds so please make sure you can attend before registering.
RSVP:  Click here to  register or put your name on the waitlist.  The password is   dames4ever   all lower case.  
Contact Gail Forman at [email protected] if you have any questions about the Café or Museum.   

Our Dames-only book club is open to all members. We meet every six weeks on a Monday evening. The host chooses the book, usually available in the library and in paperback, and provides refreshments. It is a convivial group. If you wish to join, contact Eileen Dykes at [email protected] or any of the upcoming hosts (see below). If you are interested in hosting, please let Eileen know. If you have a book you would like to read and discuss, also let Eileen know. Otherwise, we are sure other members can offer some ideas!
DATE: Monday, September 23
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: The home of Kari Barrett,  5508 Waterway Terrace, Rockville, MD 20853
RSVP:  Kari Barrett,[email protected] 
BOOK SELECTION:  Gaining Ground: A Story of Farmers' Markets, Local Food, and Saving the Family Farm by Forrest Pritchard.
PRICE: Free. The host provides refreshments.
Upcoming Meetings: 
Monday, Nov. 18 - Susan Callahan[email protected]
A volunteer guest chef is needed this Saturday, July 20 from 9am-1pm and chefs are needed throughout the year at Community Food Rescue (CFR), a program of Manna Food Center, at Silver Spring United Methodist Church. The church, located at 8900 Georgia Ave. in Silver Spring, MD, has a newly refurbished commercial kitchen.  The chefs will direct preparation of donated, perfectly usable but unsalable fresh produce - wilted, misshapen or surplus -- into cooked sauces, soups and stews. These cooked foods go to CFR network organizations that serve meals on-site and rely on donations of prepared food that can be warmed and served since they lack on-site cooking facilities. CFR invites guest chefs to sign up for one or more cooking events, plan a menu, and lead a team of volunteers to create food for our neighbors in need. Cooking sessions are scheduled throughout the year. To sign up click here.

Saturday, July 27, Story District's BREAKING BREAD : Stories by Celebrity Chefs and Industry Insiders at Lincoln Theatre,  1215 U Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009. Participating chefs include:
Ashish Alfred - Chef and Owner of Duck Duck Goose
Cathy Barrow - Author (Pie Squared and Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Practical Pantry)
Carla Hall - The Chew, Top Chef, Good Morning America, Author (Soul Food: Everyday & Celebration)
Kwame Onwauchi - Top Chef, Author (Notes from a Young Black Chef), Exec Chef at Kith and Kin, and (just announced) winner of James Beard Award Rising Star Chef
Jermaine Stone -  Founder and CEO of Cru Luv Selections and Host of Wine and Hip Hop podcast
Joe Yonan - The Washington Post Food Editor
For tickets and more information, click here 

November 7. SAVE THE DATE. SMITHSONIAN FOOD HISTORY GALA. The National Museum of American History, 14th Street and Constitution Ave N.W., Washington, D.C.
Join us for a black-tie celebration in support of the programs, exhibitions, and research of the Smithsonian Food History Project
at the National Museum of American History featuring the fifth annual presentation of the Julia Child Award to
José Andrés by the Julia Child Foundation for  Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts. Tickets on sale now:

How to Log-in to Members only:
User ID: email address listed in LDEI database
Password:  If you have not logged in before, you will need to contact the LDEI office for your password, which you can change at any time.
[email protected] or call (502) 456-1851 x4
How to Log-in to the Les Dames DC Chapter website,
Password: ldedc2014 (for Members-only section)
LDE-DC Instagram               

Please add Instagram to your social media accounts @LesDamesDC


Editor's Note:  
Entre News is our LDE-DC chapter e-newsletter.  It is published on the first and  third Wednesday of each month. It is on hiatus during the month of August. Deadline for HURRAH! and other news is the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Please send a BRIEF paragraph with your professional and personal news that you would like your sister Dames to know about in HURRAH!

HURRAH! is not meant as an advertising opportunity for a cooking class or event, rather it offers a shout out to members for recent accomplishments and honors.   Please submit your HURRAH to [email protected] in a succinct 75 words of less.
OF INTEREST offers Dames a chance to let their sister chapter members know about events they are involved in that might be of interest to a majority of the membership.  Its function is not to promote products, cooking classes, culinary trips, etc., rather to alert members to public programs that might be of professional interest, especially if Dames are featured.   We request OF INTEREST entries to be no longer than 150 words. Less is always better.
JOB OPPS can open Dames networks to employment opportunities.
Send information to Entre News Editor Katherine Newell Smith [email protected]  
Thank you for you continued interest and participation.

Katherine Newell Smith
Founding Editor, Entre News  

In this Issue
Social Media Connections


Connect with Sister Dames

Like us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

We need ALL members who have FB, Twitter and Instagram accounts to follow and actively re-tweet our members' tweets to spread the great news about our activities and programs!
Connect with Les Dames d'Escoffier International

Please share news, events and updates.  Join the LDEI members-only LinkedIn Group to stay connected with other Dames.

Like us on Facebook   View our profile on LinkedIn
Join a Committee....
You were invited to join Dames because of your talents and achievements and you promised to be part of our chapter's committee work; so, now it is time to
Get Involved!

Our committees offer the perfect opportunity to get to know your sister Dames, share your skills and to give back to the community through service.  Every committee needs dedicated participants. Please contact the committee chairs and offer your time and skills, now.

2019-2020 Committee Chairs

Membership - Dames Who Dine:
Karen Lippold 
[email protected]

Membership - Engagement: 
Carole Sugarman

 Women in Gastronomy: 
Laurie Bell
Eileen Dykes

Jessica Botta

Nona Nielsen-Parker

Green Tables:
Susan Lutz

Edee Hogan
 Global Culinary Initiatives:
Amy Riolo

Public Relations:
Jill Collins

Annie Boutin King

Board Members

Stacey Adams
First Vice President  
( Membership
Second Vice President
 (Education and Community Outreach Programs)
Edee Hogan 

Second Vice President
Annie Boutin King
Julia Rutland   
Financial Officer
Drew Faulkner   
Communications Officer
Jill Collins

Olga Boikess 
(Programs - Scholarships)
Karen Lippold 
(Dames Who Dine)
Diane Neas
Karen Vartan 
Carole Sugarman
(Member Engagement)
Janet Yu
(Past President)

Entre News Update:  
Please submit your Entre News information in a brief, concise statement to Katherine Newell Smith at [email protected]
Board Meeting Minutes
To view the latest approved board meeting minutes, go to and

click on the Members Only tab  and enter the password.  Click on  the dropdown menu for LDE-DC Board and  you will see a link to the board meeting minutes. During each monthly board meeting, the board approves the previous month's minutes and they are then posted to our website. 

Members-Only Section to our Website

It is easy to find chapter documents and resources, our event archives and past editions of Entre News.  


We now have a single password that all Dames must use to access the Members Only section of the website.  The password is ldedc2014.  Please do not share this password with anyone outside of the Chapter.


If you are having trouble logging into the website please contact our Communications Officer at [email protected]


Under Member Login,  you will see a revised menu where you can find:

  • past and current Entre News issues posted under the Entre News Archives tab.
  • archives of past chapter activities in the LDE-DC Dame Only Events menu along with upcoming events.
  • helpful files including chapter letterhead, name tag template, LDEI logos and tax-exempt certificates under Documents and Forms.
  • our chapter's standing rules, bylaws and membership roster under Bylaws, Roster & Minutes.  
  • A roster of Dames that can be printed out.
Quick Links

LDEI Quarterly Deadlines:
The deadline for sending in Member Milestones and Chapter News for the AUTUMN issue of the LDEI Quarterly is AUGUST 1.   Our archived Quarterly magazines are available online.  If you are not receiving hard copies of Quarterly, please check your online contact information at  If it is correct, please contact Greg Jewell  [email protected] to make sure you are on the mailing list.

Quarterly Guidelines:
Photography/Images-Electronic images must be properly focused, in color with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (TIFF or JPEG). Cell phone photos are acceptable if they meet resolution requirements. Do not send photos taken off the internet or embedded with text in Word files or PDF files. Identify individuals in photos from left to right in the message of your email. Include photo credits, if required. CAPTIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR PUBLICATION.

Member Milestones - Edited by Dorothy Koteski (Phil)
Share your professional news with Dames in all chapters in our LDEI Quarterly. Shout, don't whisper, about your accomplishments. We all want a chance to say "Brava!"
Submit Member Milestones by filling out the interactive form at: Any field marked with an asterisk (*) is required. Note that some forms have character limits due to space constraints. To submit a photo, reply "Yes" to "Would you like to submit a high resolution quality image?" Then click "Next". You will be taken to a second page where you can upload your images.
Be sure to click the SUBMIT button to upload your responses. You will receive an email confirmation that your submission was received. Press releases and cookbook covers are not accepted. Entries received after the deadline may appear in a following issue.
Please know that you can also email your information, if you prefer. The email addresses listed under the Submission Guidelines will always be active and will forward to the correct person.

Submit Chapter News by filling out the interactive form at: submit a photo, reply "Yes" to "Would you like to submit a high resolution quality image?" Then click "Next". You will be taken to a second page where you can upload your images.  Be sure to click the SUBMIT button to upload your responses. You will receive an email confirmation that your submission was received.
Les Dames d'Escoffier DC,, Washington, DC 20013-1617
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